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Prime Merchant Enrollment

✔️Prime Merchant Referral Program

Notebook STORE Presenting a unique referral Program. In a referral process you can appoint or recruit your team or team members directly as well as indirectly. The team or team members directly appointed by you under your referral code which code will be your Origin code and the team will be your Direct Team or LINE1 Team.

The team or team members which is appointed by LINE1 Team or by any LINE1 Team member under any of the referral code of any LINE1 team member will be your indirect team or LINE2 Team as shown in the below graph.

You will get the benefits of the purchases of LINE1 & LINE2 team as per decided the grid of profit percentage by NotebookSTORE.in and your purchase will be benefited for the member who appoint you also your purchase gives the benefit to the member who appoint your appointing member.

You can be a independent member also not appointed or recruited by any reference or where you can independently download the NotebookSTORE.in app for the purchasing and where you can get all the benefits of the purchase of your down line team that’s LINE1 and LINE2 as describe above.

You Can Appoint Or Recruit your LINE1 Team Members Up To.......N numbers.

✔️Prime Merchant Referral Payout

✔️Line1  Merchant - Line1 Members are directly Enrolled or Recruited by you under the referral code.
✔️Line2  Merchant -  Line2 Members are Enrolled or Recruited by Line1 Merchant under the referral code.

✔️Prime  Merchant
Prime Merchant will get few additional benefits.

✔️Fast Delivery.
✔️Exclusive & Special Offers for Prime Members.
✔️Additional Pay Out benefit on the purchase of Line1 & Line2 Members or Users.

✔️(6%* of the purchase of Line1 Users & 4%* of the purchase of Line2 Users).

✔️Prime Member have a facility to redeem there Pay Out directly in there Bank account as well as can utilize the same amount in repurchasing through wallet of NotebookSTORE.in application.

✔️Prime Merchant Annual Subscription ₹ 999*

✔️Pay Out By Line1 Merchant

Pay Out for Prime Merchant will be 6%* of the purchase of Line 1 Members or Users.

Assumed Annual Earning Pay Out Described.

✔️Pay Out By Line2 Merchant

✔️Pay Out for Prime Merchant will be 4%* of the purchase of Line 2 Members or Users.

Assumed Annual Earning Pay Out Described.

✔️Pay Out Credit
Prime Merchant have a facility to redeem or transfer there Pay Out directly in there Bank account as well as can utilize the same amount in repurchasing through wallet of NotebookSTORE.in application.

*All figures, Calculation, Percentage are assumed and not fixed also can vary as per profitability and applicable laws. All payouts are including TDS i.e. all amount will be paid after deducting TDS as per applicable percentage according to applicable laws , Prime Merchant Annual Subscription charges can be changed anytime as per decided by Notebook STORE.

✔️Frequently Asked Question (FAQ's)

✔️YouTube Assistance

✔️Facebook Assistance

✔️Download the  App 

✔️Join as Merchant

✔️Sell With Notebook STORE 

✔️Contact Us

For  More Details Please

Call & WhatsApp : (+91)-7900609609

Address  : L-525 Shastri Nagar Meerut

Uttar Pradesh 250004 - India

✔️Google Location 

Website : www.notebookstore.in

Email : info@notebookstore.in


Notebook STORE